Need a certified lie detector
test in Los Angeles? Then HEY! Take the time to read all the little
secrets shared below to get the best testing.
First, some truth below for polygraph clients
when you need to impress someone with the truth,
from a
36+ years certified and accredited
renowned Los Angeles Polygraph Examiner:
We issue results IMMEDIATELY!
Los Angeles lie detector tests conducted by TV's
'Thumbs Up - Thumbs Down' polygraph guy for $145!
A CERTIFIED polygraph test in Los Angeles
or nearby is
available for $145 7 days a week!
in polygraph testing
for the public!
Thankfully, these
covid protocols
are now on hold!
During a pandemic or flu
or covid-19 coronavirus,
you MUST follow the basic
6 polygraph virus guidelines:)
Ask your examiner in advance
if the first 6 will be followed
(they won't be unless it's us).
But then ask about the next
Covid and flu precautions:
they won't do those either.
Keep reading: price secrets down below!
A Los Angeles lie detector test typically allows the client
to prepare one to four questions to be used for the testing
Before arriving for your polygraph test
in Los Angeles, drink plenty of water.
We read moisture changes at fingertips.
If you are the polygraph client, you can ask
monitor the Los Angeles polygraph testing
NEVER pay more than $145 for a
Los Angeles polygraph examination. It's the same test no matter how much you pay,
as the computer doesn't know what you paid!
FREE consultation
Polygraph test in Los Angeles Ask us why we are
THE Gold Standard in
private polygraph services.
We will tell you:
1. Most experience.
2. Best price.
3. Most availability. . . . and more!
You can add a FREE 'practice test chart'
at the start of the examination;
it can establish that the examinee
is a suitable candidate for testing!
Our senior polygraph examiner has been
administering polygraph tests in Los Angeles
since the 1980s on 12,000+ persons
Want to view the Los Angeles lie detector guy ?
A link is down below . . .
The polygraph secret that real clients want to share with you!
"If a polygraph office doesn't offer this valuable item
we mention below, use someone more professional".
"A part-time polygraph guy will NOT have this".
This 40-second video shows you part of
what the examiner will be closely watching.
If you go see a polygraph examiner without
first learning these 'secrets', youmade a mistake! These valuable 'tips', that many examiners
have asked us to remove, are spread out below.
Some clients say they want to
be present during the testing: If observing is requested,
and the examiner says No,
choose a more professional
examiner with real experience. Call to discuss such options.
When there is a legitimate need for it, one option is polygraph videoconferencing.
A Los Angeles polygraph examination
allows up to 4 questions of importance,
as per all Federal polygraph guidelines
Could ONE of these various polygraph
discounts also be applicable to you?
As seen on about 1000 TV
and other media appearances!
Polygraph Secret 1:
Don't be fooled about the location. Only get testing in a real
polygraph office,
not at an
'hourly office rental' location.
Most experienced examiner in this area:
John himself has tested in excess of
twelve-thousand persons since 1988!
INSTANT lie-detection results, Pass/Fail, on a computerized polygraph instrument
Polygraph Secret 2:
The actual 'testing' part of your
polygraph test is only 15 minutes. Some examiners greatly stretch how long
your test will take
so you are not shocked
by how much per hour is really charged.
--- And some don't want you to know that
you can greatly shorten your appointment
time by writing your questions at home!
Know these
price secrets
before you
get tested!:
After a denial in therapy, some therapists use our polygraph.
Polygraph Secret 3:
Paying a deposit to make a polygraph
appointment is a trick you should avoid. When a polygraph examiner mentions
you need to pay a 'deposit',
you're talking to the wrong examiner.
To become a cop in California,
you must pass a polygraph examination.
GUARANTEED best rates on any computer polygraph examination!
Plus: More than 36 years of experience.
QUESTION:"Exactly how does a polygraph test work?"
ANSWER: "The client comes in with one to four to-the-point questions
of importance that can be answered with a Yes or a No.
The person being tested is wired up to
a computerized polygraph instrument. Sitting very still, the examinee answers
Yes or No by mouth only
(no head movements, no body movements).
The equipment is comparing microscopic changes at
the stomach, chest, left arm and
right hand during the answers."
Undercover actor unable to trick
our Los Angeles polygraph test!
A. -or- B. A. watch the test as it occurs, orB. get a free written report!
You see our workon many TV channels!
Our polygraph reports have been used
in California criminal courts,
civil courts,
family courts and more.
A little-known fact: all-natural bodybuilder
competions often require our polygraphs!
John's many many television shows,
especially the 'thumbs up/down', are a part of Americana!
Polygraph testing is always best at a professional office. But when you can't travel, we have mobile polygraph. It costs more at your location-- call to discuss options!818 883-6969
Best-known Polygraph Examiner nationwide:
more than 1000 media situations!
Know this A-B-C-D before you hire an examiner!
A.We chose to lower our prices to
$145 from $395 when the 'recession' came.
It allowed for more people to afford
a computerized polygraph test. B.Other examiners chose to keep prices high,
some even
to interfere with
any other examiner who went below $300 (also known as illegal 'price-fixing').
C. Some dishonest examiners tried lying to the public,
telling them a better test is done if they would pay more.
D.Smart customers figured out the real truth:
Polygraph is computerized,
and the computer doesn't know
if you paid a dollar or if you paid a thousand dollars!
We have been testing
for more than 36 years: EXPERIENCE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT.
Viral video: 3 million views in two days!
Below a bit, you can click to see it,
see why it was
more than
4 million persons during its first week.
Later, it went to more
than 23 million views! (Note: NOT for kids to watch)
Lies are obvious!
There will be microscopic changes at four areas of the examinee's body as he/she answers the Yes/No questions.
A polygraph exam allows the client to
write up to four questions for the test.
Polygraph test questions must be made Yes or No answerable,
3 to 19 words long each, and use no 'ands', no 'ors', no 'commas'.
Nervous does not change the results, everyone is nervous-- there is a clear difference between those who are actual lying.
The longest part is the first part, the 'Pre-Test', where questions are developed
and discussed, and the complete process is discussed.
F.The 'In-Test' portion(where your arm is squeezed with a
blood-pressure cuff,
you answering the questions while sitting still)
is basically three 5-minute periods separated by short breaks.
G.If you are the client, insist on being able to silently observe all portions.
Unless you interupt, honest examiners can arrange complete observation.
Just click HERE to learn the equipment secret that TWO
polygraph examiners badly do NOT want you to know!
Just click HERE to learn the bribe secret that FIVE
polygraph examiners badly do NOT want you to know!
Just click HERE to learn price, report, time, & location secrets that ELEVEN
polygraph examiners badly do NOT want you to know!
Yes, 'Shahs Of Sunset'
Something the public does not know about TV shows they watch.
To become a contestant on some TV game shows, and on some
other television shows, a background verification is part of the process.
We do polygraph examinations on many such potential contestants,
and have found the truth about many of them that were hiding.
Some lied about past marriages, experiences, or other situations in their lives.
Many completely made up the event required to participate on the show.
If you are the client, insist on being able
to quietly monitor the entire test. Legit examiners have nothing to hide.
Did a SCRAM false-positive on you? Did a Soberlink false-positive on you? Did a urine test false-positive on you? Did a MedTox false-positive on you? Anonymous DCFS complaint about you?
Falsely accused of cheating at school? Polygraph testing is available.
A. -or-
B. A. watch the test as it occurs, orB. get a free written report!
Our special option that prevents identity fraud on polygraph testings (Watch other polygraph examiners now try to copy us!)
We can optionally insert into
the report a photo of the examinee. (The photographs above were face-blocked here to provide examinee privacy;
they are not face-blocked if optionally placed into polygraph exam report.)
We do the hard-core serious matter polygraph TV shows--
but we also lend a hand to the fun romantic shows too.
Many of our clients ask "Why do some polygraph examiners quickly say
$300 or $400 when I asked them for a price, yet you charge only $145?"
Here's what they don't want you to know:
1) The actual polygraph-questioning is only three 5-minute collections. 2) The longest part of the polygraph test can be done at home:
you developing the 3 or 4 questions you want asked 3) When they were at their 10-week polygraph schools,
the schools told them that if they attended this
school they
could then charge the same as a lawyer
who went to law school for four years charges!
We lowered our prices when the economy got weak. It was the right thing to do.
Some examiners threatened to 'ruin' us if we didn't agree to a price-minimum scheme
with the others-- we said NO. They tried. Now many of them have almost no work.
Not all polygraph examiners are equal.
We have 12,000+ completed exams
during the past 36+ years.
We see many examiners openly lie about their experience.
We know many that falsely say they have 5,
10, even 15 years of polygraph experience.
The truth? They bought their polygraph
equipment that 5, 10, or 15 years ago!
These same people have only done one or
two tests a month
since buying their equipment.
So in reality, all they have done is about a year of polygraph--
just str--et--ch--ed it out over that 5, 10 or 15 years!
We have REAL experience.
A 'regular' polygraph test is what most clients need:
during business hours, up to 4 client questions, in English.
But some ask for .
Call for the cost of options such as late-night, discounts on a second
test or a second person, mobile polygraph tests, and various languages. Part-time polygraph examiners: less experience.
Full-time polygraph examiner: more experience. Founder and Nationwide Director
Do you know how polygraph got to be so accurate that you
can't become a cop in California without passing one first?
1986 until 2006><Now
The United States Federal Government polygraph academy
is where polygraph is researched and bettered every year. Their 12-week polygraph course teaches government
continually through the year, year after year.
It was the US Army Polygraph School 1951 thru 1985.
It was Dod-PI, Department of Defense Polygraph Institute, 1986 thru 2006.
It was DACA, Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment, 2007 thru 2009.
It's been NCCA, National Center for Credibility Assessment, since 2010.
Those decades of research also help to make your test more accurate.
Drink water an hour before testing on hot days, or results can be affected.
Being low on body water is 'dehydration'.
This affects the most important of the tracings, the green 'EDA/GSR'.
Unnoticed but continual sweat on high-temperature days will
deplete the fluids needed for accurate question-response measurement.
(It will interrupt the critical green tracing) There are only two proper ways for this to be dealt with when it occurs;
unfortunately, many examiners don't have that training.
You need to have trust in your examiner.
Test the honesty by asking
"How long the actual polygraphing will take?"
If an examiner is evasive, you might hear the vague: "The polygraph test could take two hours or more."
Or, if you are getting an accurate answer, you'll hear: "The person being polygraphed
will only be wired up, answering the Yes or No
for just 3 FIVE-MINUTE charts.
It's all computerized. Anything else is just talk."
Over and over, we see many examiners
try to fluff out the actual time it will take.
Are they embarrassed for you to know that the
actual polygraphing time (answering questions while the arm
is being
by a
blood-pressure cuff) is actually so little?
Quoting 'two hours' is from back when old analog
'pens and a roll of paper' polygraph equipment was used.
It's so much faster with modern computerized polygraph equipment.
The antiques (from the 1950s through 1980s) took a lot longer,
having to
continually adjust paper, fix ink problems,
and constant writing of
notes on the moving paper.
Talk-time is the longest part of a polygraph test.
Helping you
to write what 3 or 4 questions you want asked. The correct method is to have you think about,
and write down, your questions
you arrive,
and will help you make them perfect when you arrive.
The at-home time you put into writing the questions to be used
will save you that amount of time at the polygraph office.
An hour is usually more than enough time if you did the longest part, the writing of the four questions, before you arrive.
When a school official feels that cheating occurred,
a neutral polygraph test can obtain the truth.
For serious TV shows
. . . . and for fun TV shows like this too!
Another way to test the honesty of an examiner before you hire one:
Some 'mobile' examiners tell you they do have an office. Most don't really.
'Mobile' often reveals that polygraph is a only part-time hobby for them.
Violating standards, some will test you at their home. They don't want you to know that their office is their car trunk.
We have found that the 'office address' given by some 'mobile' examiners
often a motel address, or a mail-box place, or a friend's office!
Results from testing at a client's home is less accurate,
per polygraph training standards.
WARNING: Be wary if an examiner has you come to one of those
'Rent an office by the hour' businesses; this is a red-flag that they are
a part-timer
without enough business to have their own office.
Require verification that an office address really belongs to that examiner.
We have had real offices for almost thirty-five years.
OUR tests have been used often in Federal immigration court.
Ask any other examiner to prove that theirs ever has!
This is the famous 'black advice block' from many years ago:
But you need to know . . .
Available at your location or at our offices
This very old 'black block of advice'
still tells it like it is today!
Experienced :: CERTIFIED :: Most Languages Court Appointed and Recognized Expert
Traveling nationwide to serve you! More than 12,000 completed examinations
Male and Female Certified Polygraph Examiners Remote-monitoring available by live-video;
options include videotaping of the examination
36+ years of experience
Also available: Voice Stress Analysis;
micro-expression, body-language; MRI/fMRI; oculomotor measurement deception detection:
eye pupil diameter increase, dwell time,
and eye-movement / eye-tracking; concealed emotion; and PPG-Plethysmograph
Sales - Service - Training - Support Respected affiliates in all major cities
Polygraph Innocence Project
Immigration Credibility Assessment
Days, Nights, Weekends: Reasonable Rates- no additional cost for nights or weekends,
and no charge for a written report if you can't watch the examination live!
Also Farsi, Spanish, Korean,
Russian, and Hebrew Polygraphs
Administering only those testing techniques approved by all four:
Polygraph Examiners of America,
American Polygraph Academy,
US Government Polygraph Institute,
and American Polygraph Association
of private polygraph testing
Polygraph examinations can be
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or at our polygraph locations,
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Rest In Peace, polygraph examiners:
Ron Decker
Victor Kaufman Milo Speriglio
Chris Gugas
Frank Connolly
Tom Ezell
Gene Sandacz Patrick Foy
Jamie Skeeters
Norm Ansley
Ed Lopez
Paul Minor
Cleve Backster
T.V. O'Malley
Ray Inglin
Denny Connors Art Gren
Jack Trimarco
Joe Paolella Gene Cella
Ed Gelb